PolyEvolver Sound Editor 5.2

PolyEvolver Sound Editor 5.2

It is the perfect companion to your Poly Evolver or Poly Evolver Keyboard
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5.2 See all
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The Poly Evolver Editor/Librarian from Soundtower is the perfect companion to your Poly Evolver or Poly Evolver Keyboard. (There's also a mono Evolver version.) Available for Windows or Mac, the editor lets you see and edit every parameter. Build and organize banks of programs. Use the graphic interface to create new sequences.

In addition to the main parameter views, there are edit windows for bank views, wavetable editing, two different sequence editors, and a very cool random program generator that includes some interesting genetic program generators.

To see more screen captures and download the latest demo version of the software, visit the Soundtower Web site. The demo version allows you to get a closer look at all the screens, and edit a handful of parameters. If you like what you see, buy the registration code from our online store to access the full version.



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  • Sound editor by dave smith